Thursday, May 28, 2015

Summer Camp for Oldest Granddaughter.

We were asked if we could take our granddaughter Marissa to the camp she will be at all summer serving as  rangler (working with the horses).  We first picked her up at the airport in Grand Rapids last night. She had just spent nearly a month with her folks.  The camp is Spring Hill Camp & is north of here.  It is a very very nice big camp & the staff is super friendly too.  Here are some pictures of the camp, what I could get some you would have to get off the beaten path.  The trip back home was very interesting as the freeway was detoured.  So it was longer than going.  The total trip was 160 miles up & back.  The camp is near Evart, MI

 This is inside the big gym they have.  So is the climbing wall. 

The horses.

 Her cabin & her bed, she will have the bottom one & her 2nd cousin & best friend is having the upper.
 Her cabin is actually in the back half of this building. 
 That is her cabin in the back.  She is going to get a lot of walking in this summer.

 This we think (to the right) is the barn. But there are others that sort look like barns but this one had a pen around it. 

 Out side climbing wall.

This is the entrance we took as we left.  Too tiny to see but there were staff standing there by the flag pole greeting every one.  They were at other spots too to make sure the new people got where they needed to be.

1 comment:

Amy :) said...

These were really great to see! Thanks for posting them and for taking her to camp. Can't wait to see it all in person in July. :)