Just after Christmas Ed got a bunch of sores around both elbows. They caused a lot itching & pain. they were pink blister like sores at first but then scabbed over. They would start to clear up & then come back. This week it looked like it was going to be the end of them. But yesterday a new batch started. So he gave in & saw the doctor, who we think didn't really know what it was either. We had thought shingles or a fungus infection of some kind. The doctor finally said he thought it was eczema. He didn't seem to be too sure though as he said that doesn't usually cause pain. He did take pictures of it so we are thinking he will post it online & find out from other doctors. He ordered a cream for putting on it but we ended up not getting it as it cost $87. Ed is to go back in three weeks.
So what do you think it is?
Left elbow
Left elbow
Right eblow
It doesn't look anything like the eczema that Andy had.
We didn't think so either.
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